Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's going to be a cold weekend!

The weather reports are indicating that it is going to be a cold weekend with close to freezing overnight lows. As the cold weather comes, we all want to stay as warm as possible! So, here are some tips to keep you safe as we transition our homes to fall and winter heating.

Replace the batteries in your smoke detectors. Make sure to test your smoke detectors to ensure they are working properly. Most will start beeping when the batteries are going bad (mine did this weekend), but it is better to go ahead and replace them in the spring and winter.

Replace the Air-filter to your HVAC unit. I try to change mine out every month, but sometimes I forget. It is very important to have a new one in place before switching from your cooling to the heating as dust and dirt from the filters will be sucked into the unit and could catch fire on the heating elements. It is also a good idea to call your local HVAC carrier to come and do a quick check of your HVAC unit to ensure that it is running properly and ready for heating your home.

Many people may not be ready to turn on their heat just yet and may choose to use space heaters. Make sure they are plugged into an outlet that can support the wattage of the heater. Make sure that the heaters are not on carpeted flooring and are at least 2 feet away from walls and 3 feet away from drapery or furniture.

Wood stoves and fire places can be a lovely way to heat your home. Make sure that the wood stove has been installed properly and has protective flooring underneath and protective wall covering around the stove. Make sure that fire places have been cleaned out of any ash and soot. Most importantly make sure that the flue has been cleaned out! If there is any old debris in the flue it could catch fire. If you have a propane gas fire place, I recommend having a professional come out to inspect the gas lines going to the fire place and that the flue is clear.

Fall is the time to enjoy family, friends and the fall harvest. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, the wonderful food and a warm home. Stay safe and warm!

Barbie Lambert

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